Tuesday, June 30, 2015

We are friends

We were playing in the Totara sandpit. We were digging up all the sand. We filled a big bucket to make a sandcastle.

We played tennis. The bats were from the PE shed. We hit the bat when the ball came. 
Sometimes we missed the ball. 

I was playing with the leaves and making a mountain. 
I found some other people to play with after this.

We were watching the children playing on Putikitiki. We saw our buddies friends.

We were going down the big slide. It was lots of fun. 
Someones shoe came off when we were on the slide.

Hine saw us climbing on the rope. It was really high at the top.

At school we play many games during our breaks. 
What do you like doing at lunchtime and morning tea?

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