Tuesday, May 26, 2020


In the lockdown, I and my family had to stay home. I did my homework and I learned how to sew. I made a pink cat. Every time my dad went to shop, I worry. My shoes had a hole and after lockdown, me and my mum went to buy new shoes. by Spartak
I watched scary movies at home. The movie I watched was spooky. I like it. by Season
In the lockdown, it was my birthday. I got a Ken, Barbie and headphones. I turned 7. I turned around and my cat climbed a tree outside. . by Winter
In the lockdown, I went scooter rides. I love riding my scooter. Yay! I don't need to go to school. I can sleep all day. by Kristi
During the lockdown, I painted a picture of my cat. It was fun. by Khaleesi
In the lockdown, I went for a walk, it was awesome. Sometimes I go for a scooter ride, too. by Eiva
In the lockdown, I practiced ballet at home. I was a good ballerina. We had a party because I was good at ballet. by Kowhai

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Room 16's Wonderful Home Learning Week 3

Home Learning Term 2 Week 4

This is our home learning for Monday and Tuesday of Week 4. Please use Seesaw to respond to the activities. Share some of your videos and photos.
These are the links to the activities:
Sunshine Classics https://bookshelf.sunshineclassics.com.au/students/login
Mathletics https://login.mathletics.com/
Seesaw activities ( Writing, Number of the Day, Good morning video)
Jump Jam https://www.jumpjam.co.nz/quarantine/
Homemade Rocket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjU1IAgRcQg&feature=youtu.be
Counting 1 to 100 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc&feature=youtu.be