Yesterday afternoon, we went to the hall to see Ruben the road safety bear. He was really funny and he rides his bikes really slow. It is funny for us.
by Zoe
Yesterday, we went to the hall. We saw Ruben, he is a bear. I like him. The man was called Gary. He had a picture of Ruben on his t-shirt. I felt really happy.
by Naomi
Yesterday afternoon, Room 16 went to see Ruben the bear. She was wearing bright colours so people can see her when she is riding her bike.
by Aaliyah
We saw Ruben yesterday, it was exciting. We learned about crossing sneaky driveways. It was so much fun.
by Isabel
Yesterday, Room 16 went to the hall for a surprise. Ivy took us to see Ruben the bear. He is funny!
by Luca
Yesterday afternoon, we went to the hall and Ruben came to the hall too. He was funny and said “hi” to all of us because he was happy.
by Bhadra
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