Monday, August 10, 2020

Soda and Sand Experiment

We poured sand into the soda and it burst because of the pressure it gave to the soda. It took its place in the bottle. 
By Kristi

We shoved sand into the soda, it zoomed up because the pressure pushed it up. The sand wanted the whole bottle to itself so it asked the fizzy to get out. It did not want to get out of the bottle so the sand had to push it out.
By Zeppelin

We sprinkled sand into the soda and it gave it pressure so it exploded and fizzed. It made the soda want to come out.
By Winter

We sprinkled sand into the soda, it zoomed up because the sand took its place and give pressure for the soda to come out.
By Spartak

We poured sand into the soda, it zoomed up because the sand put pressure in the soda.
By Safwan

We shoved and sprinkled sand and the soda zoomed up into the sky and bubbled because it made the pressure squish the soda to come out.
By Tumai

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